Kubernetes Basics - Build a simple cluster lab on GCP

Posted on Feb 18, 2023

This is the first blog in the Kubernetes Basics series. In this blog, we will be setting up a simple Kubernetes cluster on GCP. We won’t be using the GKE instead we will go for two identical Ubuntu 20.04 VMs to setup a simple lab setup. This is basically the starter point for CKS certification.


  • A GCP account
  • Knowledge of basic Linux commands
  • Google Cloud CLI installed on your local machine

Step 1: Create two identical Ubuntu 20.04 VMs on GCP

Let’s Create two identical Ubuntu 20.04 VMs on GCP using the cloud CLI. I have named them cks-master and cks-worker. You can name them as you wish.

gcloud compute instances create cks-master --zone=us-central1-c \
--machine-type=e2-medium \
--image=ubuntu-2004-focal-v20220419 \
--image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud \

gcloud compute instances create cks-worker --zone=us-central1-a \
--machine-type=e2-medium \
--image=ubuntu-2004-focal-v20220419 \
--image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud \

You can do this in the GCP console as well. Just go to the Compute Engine section and create two VMs with the same configuration.

Step 2: Create a quick start/stop script

Now that we have our VMs ready, we need to create a quick start and stop script for VMs. Very important if you don’t wanna get booked beyond your budget.


gcloud compute instances start cks-master --zone=us-central1-c
gcloud compute instances start cks-worker --zone=us-central1-a


gcloud compute instances stop cks-master --zone=us-central1-c
gcloud compute instances stop cks-worker --zone=us-central1-a

Step 3: Create short scripts to SSH into the VMs

You can skip this step if you are comfortable with the gcloud compute ssh command. I personally prefer to create a short script to SSH into the VMs. This is just a personal preference.


gcloud compute ssh cks-master


gcloud compute ssh cks-worker

Step 4: SSH into the VMs and install Docker and Kubernetes